
定製Funko流行保護器製造商,Funko pop protectors bulk Suppliers

We are manufacturer of funko pop soft protector, funko pop protectors bulk and custom business. We only use high transparency recyclable and Environmentally friendly PET material to produce funko pop protector, the material thickness is hot 0.35MM 0.40MM 0.45MM 0.5MM 0.6毫米.

我哋不僅可以提供易於摺疊嘅線條, but also Emboss LOGO, 和 CMYK printing on the surface, 仲提供抗紫外線同耐刮擦嘅特殊工藝. The United States, Canada, Australia, the United Kingdom, New Zealand, France, Singapore, and Switzerland have our long-term cooperative buyers and agents

High transparency, Glow In The Dark and blood splatter funko pop protector


Our factory’s quality inspection team has confirmed that our pop protectors with soft lines have 7 times higher assembly efficiency than those with ordinary lines. This widely recognized data, combined with our special dustproof and scratch-resistant materials, ensures top-notch protection for your collectibles.

Embossing your logo on the pop vinyl protective cases

we our customers with high-quality, customized pop protectors that are tailored to their unique requirements. Our team works closely with each customer to develop custom designs and signage that accurately reflect their brand and protectors specifications.

Funko Pop Protectors Bulk

we the manufacturer of Funko Pop protectors bulk, 0.35MM 0.5MM 4 英寸 6 inches Wholesale prices. Whether you’re looking to purchase in bulk or just 1000 protectors, We provide excellent service and protectors without distinction. Order now and experience high-quality protection at unbeatable prices.

When you purchase Funko Pop Protectors in bulk from us, you can expect:

Certification logo

funko pop soft protector bulk-funko pop cases



  1. 保護: Funko Pop case protectors provide an extra layer of protection to your Funko Pop collection, keeping them safe from dust, 劃痕, and other potential damage.

  2. Durability: Our high-quality Funko Pop case protectors are made from sturdy materials, ensuring they will last a long time and protect your collection for years to come.

  3. Clarity: Our clear Funko Pop case protectors allow you to display your collection without any obstructions, providing maximum visibility and showcasing the details of each figure.

  4. Custom colorsCan be customized with various designs, such as blood splatter, glow in the dark, or even personalized designs. This allows customers to add their own personal touch to their Funko Pop collection, making it more unique and special.

As a manufacturer and wholesale supplier of Funko Pop cases bulk, we understand the importance of providing high-quality, durable, and protective packaging for your valuable collections. Our products are made with the finest materials, and we offer various thicknesses to suit your specific need.

Our production capacity

Highly transparent anti-UV material production line
Highly transparent anti-UV material production line
Custom logo or Blood Splatter printing equipment
Custom logo or Blood Splatter printing equipment
Automatic line die-cutting equipment
Automatic line die-cutting equipment
Protector molding workshop
Protector molding workshop
Quality Inspection Center
Quality Inspection Center
Partial shipping shipment
Partial shipping shipment

We produce more than 300K every day, productivity is always the first driver.

glow in the dark funko pop protector bulk


唔使擔心; 這款funko流行保護器展示櫃喺黑暗中發光,它可以引起您的注意. 係展示您的funko人物或其他角色嘅完美方式.

This is a luminous display box. 保護罩嘅所有側面都印有帶有紋理嘅半透明發光邊框, 透明窗口可以清晰地顯示您的收藏夾. 邊框喺成個funko彈出硬塑料保護器周圍產生發光效果.

4inches-Glow-In-The-Dark-Funko-Pop-Protector (1)

血濺風科流行保護器: Keep Your Collection Safe and Sound

Blood Splatter Funko Pop Protector
Blood Splatter Funko Pop Protector
Blood Splatter Funko Pop Protector
Blood Splatter Funko Pop Protector
Custom Blood Splatter Funko Pop Protector

你中意恐怖電影啊, 還是你中意其中嘅人物? 該系列專為恐怖迷設計. 我哋嘅血液飛濺funko流行保護套可以好好咁保護您的收藏. 成個funko pop高級流行保護器覆蓋住血液飛濺嘅圖案, 畀人以視覺衝擊力.

我哋嘅血液飛濺funko流行保護套可以好好咁保護您的收藏. 成個funko pop高級流行保護器覆蓋住血液飛濺嘅圖案, 畀人以視覺衝擊力.

Like other Funko Pop protectors, the Blood Splatter Protector shields your figures from dust, 劃痕, and other damage that can occur during storage or transportation.

Emboss your brand logo or and website

funko pop protection Embossing-1
funko pop protection Embossing

Looking to protect your Funko Pop collection while also promoting your brand? Look no further than our custom Funko Pop Protectors! With ourEmboss Your Brandoption, you can have your logo and website URL prominently displayed on each protector, giving your collection a personalized touch while also promoting your brand to fellow collectors. Don’t settle for generic protectorsstand out with our custom options. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help protect and promote your Funko Pop collection.

style UV resistant funko premium pop stacks protector case

Looking for a durable and stylish way to protect your Funko Pop collection? Our UV resistant Funko Premium Pop Stacks Protector Case is the perfect solution. Made with high-quality materials, our protector case is designed to withstand the elements, keeping your collection safe from dust, dirt, and sun damage. Plus, with its sleek and modern design, our protector case is sure to impress fellow collectors and add a touch of style to your collection. Whether you’re a casual collector or a serious Funko Pop enthusiast, our UV resistant Funko Premium Pop Stacks Protector Case is a must-have accessory for anyone looking to keep their collection safe and stylish.

当柔軟嘅funko爆米保護器長時間暴露喺陽光下時, 你是否擔心funko pop堆棧嘅乙烯基聯鎖優質塑料保護器會變色並被太陽紫外線損壞?

現時, 聰明嘅收藏家選擇喺雙面UV PET保護器中展示小雕像. 因此, 收集器唔會擔心紫外線. 讓您的系列喺陽光下熠熠生輝.



  • 高品質材料- 透明包裝保護盒由優質聚對苯二甲酸乙二醇酯製成(寵物). 呢種風格嘅材料係耐用嘅, 具有高透明度, 並且係最好嘅防塵材料. 它由回收製成, 無酸, moistureproof PET material.
  • 每個保護罩都有一個塑料薄膜- 每個funko pop乙烯基保護套都有一個特殊嘅塑料薄膜,易於剝離. 它可以防止運輸過程中和使用前嘅磨損和劃痕. 撕毀塑料薄膜之後, 它以更高嘅分辨率顯示您的集合.
  • 底部嘅自動鎖定機制-我哋嘅funko流行乙烯基保護器喺底部具有自動鎖定功能. 它可以節省組裝時間,易於組裝. 組裝完殼底部後, 将你嘅收藏放入保護器嘅底部; 它可以確保您的Funko流行音樂和其他物品’ 安全.
  • 頂部嘅鎖定標籤喺funko彈出保護盒嘅頂部有一個D鎖/鎖定標籤; 当它們摺疊錶殼時,它增加咗結構完整性. 無論發生乜嘢, 蓋唔會反彈. 因此,它始終保持內部彈出嘅funko.
  • 完美尺寸- 我哋嘅funko流行堆棧保護器旨在完美契郃系列, 冇其他空間讓盒子喺入面移動.
  • 柔軟嘅摺痕- 保護器的摺疊線有柔軟的摺痕, 並且很容易摺疊線條並將盒子摺疊成形狀
  • 多種厚度- 我哋可以定製厚度; 0.35/0.4/0.5/0.6 毫米係常見嘅.
  • 包裝方式:5/10/20每包件. 浮動包裝扁平包裝, 節省空間和運輸成本.
  • 質量保證: 100% 如果存在質量問題,則退款/退貨. 提高客戶滿意度.
  • 堆疊- The protector can be stacked to display your collection perfectly.


  • 保護器嘅重量好重, 所以空運係唔好嘅; 運費比貨物貴’ 價值. 通常通過海運.
  • 摺疊成形狀後, 從高處跌落時有破損的可能性.
  • Although the plastic PET material is ROHS material, but the degradation cycle is long, enterprises with strong social responsibility can use ECOPET. ECOPET can be completely degraded to compostable material in 3-5 年, with the disadvantage of significantly increased cost. The MOQ is relatively high.

Funko Pop Box Dimensions- 4迨6歳9歳10歳英寸尺寸

4 inch funko pop protector bulk

Protectors Dimensions4 英寸funko流行保護器大小
funko-pop-protector 4 inchs size

we offer standard size Funko Pop stack hard plastic protector cases with a normal thickness of 0.35/0.5mm. While some clients may prefer thicker options such as 0.6/0.7mm, we do not recommend them due to their high cost, high potential for loss, and heavy weight which can lead to high shipping costs.

Between the 0.35mm and 0.5mm options, the latter is thicker and therefore appears more high-grade in texture. Each protector case also comes with a protective film to prevent dust and fingerprints.

6 inch funko pop protector bulk

Protectors Dimensions6 英寸funko流行保護器大小
英寸尺寸8.07inches x 5.67inches x6.53inches
funko-pop-protector 6 inchs size

外殼符合所有標準 6 豐科流行保護器. 如《異形女王》, 韦塞里翁, 同Baymax鑽石閃光. 它可以保護您的流行音樂! 它比心靈石更安全. 但並不能證明乜嘢, 我哋唔可以保證我哋嘅funko高級流行保護器可以防止Thanos.

根據保護器尺寸, 我哋建議厚度0.5mm, 相對堅固.

9 inch funko pop protector bulk

Protectors Dimensions9 英寸funko流行保護器大小

如果你喜歡收集大流行! 呢個尺寸適合所有常規 9 “流行黑膠唱片,風子流行 10 英寸保護器真人大小嘅格鲁特流行!, 我哋建議厚度0.5mm

10 inch funko pop protector bulk

Protectors Dimensions10 英寸funko流行保護器大小
funko-pop-protector 10 inchs size

呢個尺寸適合所有常規嘅funko流行音樂 10 英寸保護器! 如滅霸, 皮卡丘與綠巨人, 同鋼鐵俠.

厚度可選配0.40mm/0.5mm. 0.5毫米將更強,以保護POP!

funko pop protector 2pack Wholesale

Funko Pop Box Dimensions2包裝流行保護器尺寸
funko-pop-protector 2packs inchs size

一個PCS集合似乎孤獨. 風子流行 2 包裝保護裝置隨行. 如果你係一個浪漫主義者或憎獨處嘅人, 咁你會愛上funko pop 2 包, 硬保護器. 只 2 包喺一齐, 你哋嘅朋友永遠唔會好似動漫中噉離開對方而傷透你心.

Frequent quality problems of protector manufacturers!


高品質PET材料靈活而堅固, 並且在正常組裝過程中不會損壞或損壞. 如果您的供應商使用劣質原材料或生產過程不符合標準, 將發生損壞.

保護器唔可以組合成一個完美嘅立方體. 一方面, 尺寸設計可能有偏差, 另一方面, 產品本身嘅線條深度不一致或尺寸不一致, 都係檢驗所生產商品質量嘅重要標準.


Pop protector adhesive overflow

在實際生產過程中, 由於塑料材料嘅拉伸性和機械問題, 難免會有膠水溢出. 此時, 工廠嘅質量控制能力尤為重要.

喺快速生產過程中需要有經驗嘅QC人員,及時消除不良品. 我哋嘅生產線上有好多經驗豐富嘅員工, 專業進行QC同QA檢驗,以確保每批貨物嘅質素.


因為材料係透明嘅, 無保護膜, 掂保護器隻手會留下指紋.

我哋建議戴上手套和防撕裂,佢哋組裝它. 抑或你可以撕下一個小零件,組裝好,最後撕掉塑料薄膜.

保護器表面被劃傷。 難睇

第一, 原材料質素差嘅材料. 本身劃傷. 二係生產過程中物料被劃傷. 第三个爆破保護器喺組裝時被劃傷.

因此,当我哋購買材料時,如果存在劃痕問題,我哋將檢查原材料. 如果有問題, 我哋將退回原材料並重新訂購. 如果我哋在此過程中發現劃痕彈出保護器, 我哋嘅QC會挑選出嚟,唔會發送畀你.

為咗防止喺組裝過程中劃傷保護器, 我哋建議你戴上手套進行組裝. 另外, 我哋有另一種防劃傷材料, 即使冇保護膜, 保護器都好難被劃傷. 但價格高於普通嘅爆破保護器


對於同一批貨物, 供應商必須嚴格按照合同要求採購和生產材料. 符合國際生產標準, 原材料在生產過程中會有正負0.02mm的偏差. 得益於中國供應商嘅不斷努力, 該數據基本上控制喺0.01mm.

或者, 你可能冇上述數字嘅概念. 頭髮的直徑通常為0.05-0.07mm. 這樣, 你可以忽略上述錯誤, 因為你只能透過掂嚟分辨.

如果供應商喺同一批次中提供嘅保護器嘅手感存在顯著差異, 好明显,佢哋偷工減料緊.


如果透明塑料材料表面嘅保護膜太薄, 在移除過程中可能會斷裂.

如果保護膜碎成薄片, 很難刪除. 麻麻, 設備喺生產過程中嘅生產溫度冇得到好好嘅控制, 或保護膜不能承受生產過程中的高溫和斷裂. 與塑料材料緊密粘合.

有經驗嘅廠家會把保護膜加厚,用耐高溫保護膜嚟解決呢個問題. 答案係肯定嘅, 都將增加保護器嘅最終成本.

因此, 價錢唔係揀長期合作供應商嘅唯一標準. 長期以合理嘅價錢同質素提供優質產品嘅工廠係我哋嘅最終選擇.


由於保護器嘅粘接速度喺粘合過程中相對較快, 需要有經驗嘅生產人員把設備調試到最佳狀態. 另外, 離不開檢驗員嘅仔細檢查. 最後一刻, 向你展示最好嘅產品.

The sides of Funko pop protectors are not bonded together2
The sides of Funko pop protectors are not bonded together2
The sides of Funko pop protectors are not bonded together2


White spots on the surface of pop protector2
White spots on the surface of pop protector2

呢個問題嘅技術術語唔易理解. 原因係靜電斑點係由產品之間嘅移動摩擦引起嘅.

生產前, 由於儲存不當或頻繁處理原材料, 材料之間嘅靜電摩擦和渦流劃痕產生.

其次, 大多數製造商認為產品喺放入工廠嘅盒子之前係完美嘅. 講真, 它唔係, 因為如果包裝方法進入盒子係錯誤嘅,並且冇完全封閉嘅包裝. 在長途國際運輸和周轉過程中, 頻繁搬運會繼續內部產品嘅移動和晃動, 產生靜電並導致直接結果.

我哋喺包裝和運輸方面擁有豐富嘅經驗,並一直喺解決生產和實踐中嘅問題. 我相信我哋比大多數製造商更完美.

Easily foldable lines and multi-layer stacking

Clear 4 Inch Funko Pop Protector 0.5mm PET Case Box Toys Display Packaging2
Clear 4 Inch Funko Pop Protector 0.5mm PET Case Box Toys Display Packaging2

經過爆破保護膜嘅完美結合, 頂部應相對平坦,以方便我哋收藏嘅堆疊.




Funko pop soft protector Sleeves are protective sleeves designed to protect your collection from dust, scratches and other damage. Made from recyclable and environmentally friendly PET material, these sleeves ensure that your Funko Pops remain in pristine condition.

係, 它具有抗紫外線性能. 你可以選擇雙面抗紫外線材料, 紫外線防護, 但比普通材料更貴.

Buying protectors in bulk is a cost-effective way to protect your collection. You can save money by purchasing larger quantities, and you’ll always have a supply on hand when you need them. Plus, buying in bulk reduces the need for multiple orders and shipping costs.

我哋可以喺最好嘅funko pop軟保護器嘅頂部添加公司壓花徽標。 樹立品牌形象,提升客戶’ 回購率.

我哋嘅funko pop軟保護膜可以一次撕掉. 我哋知道客戶希望節省撕毀保護膜嘅時間.

有兩個原因導致難以去除保護膜. 係所用保護膜粘度過高,韌性太低,無法承受過多嘅外力. 第二, 保護膜本身嘅原材料較差,保護器緊嘅生產過程中無法承受壓力和高溫過程. 導致完全粘附喺保護器表面. 經過長期測試和改進, 我哋有一種耐高溫和耐張力嘅保護膜,可以完美地解決呢個問題.

喺自定義funko彈出保護器嘅底部有一個自動鎖定. 保護器外殼嘅線條係柔軟嘅摺痕, 因此可以節省有效組裝的時間.
funko流行薄膜保護器嘅頂部有一個鎖定標籤. 它足以鎖定蓋子並防止收藏品脫落.

係, protectors can be reused multiple times as long as they are not damaged or degraded. Make sure to clean them regularly to prevent dust buildup.


2 包裝專家在線
