
Custom Clear Pillow Boxes manufacturing company -PVC/PET/PP material

clear plastic pillow boxes


Transparent pillow boxes are available in fireproof PVC, ECO APET and recyclable materials.

透明表面可用于絲網印刷, CMYK膠印, 凹凸, 燙印, hot stamping and silver stamping.

Frosted transparent pillow box packaging


磨砂材料具有優異的耐摩擦性. No scratches due to friction during transportation.
Appears translucent and hazy, usually made of PP material Eco-friendly and recyclable, the surface processing technology is the same as the transparent material.

Transparent pillow box packaging with hook

pillow box packaging with holes

如您所見, the pillow case packaging can be customized with a hanging butterfly hole or a European hanging hole. Not only can you arrange your products neatly, but you can also sort and store them easily. And you also have enough advertising space to display the product’s features more prominently.

Wiper box packaging

Our wiper blade pillow packaging box features a stylish pillow-shaped design that sets it apart from traditional packaging options. The curved edges and sleek appearance create a modern and eye-catching presentation, making it stand out on store shelves and grab customers’ 注意力.

Our manufacturing site

All materials, 印刷, molding and inspection are done at the same address

Manufacture of raw materials

Extrusion molding of transparent PVC and PET materials


Any color printing and special colors on the surface of the material

Automatic Die Cutting Machine

High-efficiency, low-cost plastic box die-cutting and molding unit

Pillow boxes Gluing Line

Dust-free production workshop, single production line daily capacity of 50K

質量控制, QA Workshop

All boxes are inspected and re-sampled before entering the warehouse.

What we do

Your needs and satisfaction are the driving force behind our service and production.

Our Advantages

Certification logo

Professional Designer Team

Free design guidance to aid brand growth

Minimum Order Quantity

We can support customized production with a minimum of 3000 個人電腦

Leading Manufacturing Capabilities

Clean room with a daily production capacity of more than 500K.


What are clear pillow boxes?

Clear pillow boxes are a type of packaging solution that combines the charming shape of a pillow with the transparency of clear plastic. These unique boxes are designed with a distinctive curved edge, resembling a pillow, and are made from high-quality transparent plastic material. The clear plastic allows for full visibility of the contents inside the box, making them ideal for showcasing and presenting various products in an elegant and captivating manner.

The use of transparent packaging box?

Clear pillow boxes are versatile and can be used for packaging a wide range of items, such as small gifts, jewelry, confectionery, 化妝品, and other retail products. Their crystal-clear visibility not only enhances the product presentation but also allows customers to quickly and easily identify the items without opening the packaging.


Video about types and differences of clear pillow box

The above video describes in detail how to choose the material of the transparent plastic pillow case, the surface processing technology and some common customization problems You can also contact our professional sales specialists to consult the customization!

好多客戶喜歡使用透明包裝盒, 可以展示內部產品,同時保護產品. 如果您的產品非常精緻美觀, 呢種透明嘅枕盒往往會吸引更多嘅顧客’ 注意力.


磨砂枕頭盒睇嚟係半透明嘅, 你可以睇到產品嘅輪廓. 這款啞光透明磨砂枕盒可以改善產品的質地,使您的產品看起來更高檔.


點解咁多人想定製設計嘅枕頭盒? 引人注目嘅包裝設計會令客戶覺得你在努力工作,你嘅品牌有好大嘅潛力.

如果您希望客戶記住您的產品, 你可以選擇在枕頭盒上打印您的品牌徽標或產品信息, 以便將來客戶有次要需求時, 佢哋可以購買產品或透過定製枕頭盒上嘅公司信息與你聯繫, 我哋接受定製枕頭盒印刷,我哋可以提供免費嘅可打印枕頭盒糢闆.



我哋通常選擇使用聚氯乙烯, PET or PP material to produce pillow box

PVC is not an environmentally friendly material, but PVC is flame retardant and weather resistant. The surface hardness is high, compared to the abrasion resistance. The printing paper is high and can highly reproduce the printed color.

PET is an environmentally friendly material that is biodegradable and recyclable. PET is a biodegradable, recyclable and environmentally friendly material. 近年來, many customers pay more and more attention to environmental protection, so PET material is becoming more and more popular. 另外, PET material has very high transparency, so it is suitable for making transparent pillow gift boxes.

PP material is also an environmentally friendly material, biodegradable and recyclable, the transparency of PP is slightly lower than PVC and PET. But the flexibility is better, mostly used for cosmetic boxes. It is also commonly used to make frosted surface. Frosted pillow boxes are often made of PP material. If you want a translucent frosted effect, 你可以選擇PP材料.

Recommended thickness of PVC and PET material is 12# (0.30毫米) PP material is usually recommended 16# (0.4毫米).

What process options are available for customization

  1. 大小 (any size can be made according to need)
    2. Surface printing (brand logo and description can be printed)
    3. 凹凸 (brand logo and local special effects can be embossed)
    4. Metallic effect (can be hot stamped gold and silver and any metallic color can be added)
    5. Soft creasing (optional soft creasing process for 7x assembly speed)
    6.Anti-scratch surface (Anti-scratch surface option can be added, no fear of transportation and shelf display friction)


雖然好多塑料材料已被回收和降解. 然而, 如果您追求更好嘅可堆肥材料. 此時, 我建議你揀紙枕盒.


除了透明塑料枕頭盒, 我哋仲可以提供紙枕盒. 紙枕盒可以由牛皮紙或紙皮製成, 邊個更適合包裝一些簡單嘅產品, 這將非常匹配. 紙張係一種環保材料, 咁多客戶選擇訂購定製牛皮紙枕盒. 然而, 紙張唔防水, 而且它的抗壓效果不如塑料強. 如果您的產品相對易碎, 我哋建議選擇採用環保PET材料嘅塑料枕盒.

紙張比塑料更適合手動操作, 網上有好多枕頭盒糢闆. 好多人可以根據糢闆自己製作枕頭盒

kraft Pillow Boxes



如果您希望您的包裝在貨架和許多產品上脫穎而出, 金銀枕頭盒絕對係一個創意. 它可以完全覆蓋金和銀, 抑或它可以喺激光金箔上打印顏色, 邊個更令人眼花繚亂.


枕式包裝盒嘅結構比較單一, 你可以選擇是否需要增加吊架孔/掛鉤結構. 如果您需要把貨物放在貨架上出售, 我哋建議你喺盒子嘅頂部或側面添加一個衣架孔. 如果您的枕盒好大, 您可以使用手柄進行自定義.

因為枕盒表面有曲率,不平整, 它不能像其他盒子一樣直立放置. 但是您可以使用頂部的衣架孔將其掛在架子上,以節省更多空間. 如果您想使用枕頭盒包裝禮物, 你不需要添加衣架孔. 你可以用絲帶綁住枕頭盒,做一個完美嘅禮品盒. 如果您的產品係衫, 你需要嘅係定製帶手柄嘅大型枕頭盒, 方便客戶攜帶.

最小起訂量, 交付和備件

用于定製產品, 我哋嘅最小起訂量係3000个. 如果數量太低, 它不僅會浪費原材料, 但也損壞了機器, 而且盒子嘅單價都會更高, 唔划算.

我哋嘅交貨時間一般係 12-15 確認設計圖紙後嘅工作日. 如果訂單數量過大, 需要具體談判.

我哋將提供 1% 作為每個訂單嘅備件嘅產品數量, 噉係, 如果我哋訂購 3000 產品, 我哋將提供 30 備件.


過去 10 年, 我哋快速安全地把貨物交付畀位位客戶.
我哋不僅精通國際速遞, 航運和鐵路運輸都係常用嘅經濟運輸方式.
與我哋合作, 你不必擔心運輸. 透過大量嘅積累同溝通, 我哋喺運輸成本方面具有絕對優勢, 這可以進一步為您節省成本.


  1. 主要有兩個原因:
    尺寸比嘅設計有誤, 因為塑料枕盒嘅兩端都係彎曲嘅, 並且曲率嘅比例需要根據不同尺寸嘅需要進行調整,以確保易於摺疊. 錯誤嘅比例設計係拗困難嘅主要原因, 甚至不均勻的力也會導致角落開裂.
  2. 摺疊線縮進深度不均勻, 因為塑料材料嘅密度比較大, 而生產時間要求設計精度和經驗相對較大. 如果在切割過程中, 同一折痕中不同區域嘅壓延深度不同, 在摺疊過程中,力會不均勻, 並且兩側唔會緊緊貼並被扭曲.
  3. 與我哋嘅銷售工程師交談

塑料材料唔夠透明嘅直接原因係所用原材料係劣質產品, 而且材料本身嘅透光率相對較低. 另一種情況係, 為咗降低成本, 一些製造商使用非正式嘅回收塑料加工程序, 導致異物混入並降低透明度.

透明塑料材料表面劃痕嘅問題致命. 我哋鍾意使用透明枕盒包裝嘅原因係,消費者可以直觀咁感受到入面嘅商品. 劃痕和劃痕不僅會降低材料嘅透明度,仲會極大地影響成個包裝嘅感官, 將對銷售產生負面影響.

避免劃痕和白點. 生產工廠必須保護表面清潔度和材料表面. 第一步係喺透明材料上添加保護膜或耐刮擦塗層.

如果您的供應商提供的包裝盒表面沒有保護膜或防刮塗層, 然後在正常情況下, 無法保證膠盒嘅清潔度同劃痕.


係, 冇問題. 我哋不僅可以定製尺寸, 打印, 同表面浮雕. 同時, 它也是國際運輸專家, 你只需要坐喺屋企等待貨物.


Cracking of pillow cases is caused by improper selection of materials or poor quality of materials. 另外, 如果材料太硬, it can’t be used to make a pillow box because the lid of a pillow box has a downward curve. 如果蓋太硬, it will be difficult to close the box.

The assembly of a regular pillow case package is very simple, just put the pillow case on and close the lid and you’re done. The most important thing here is to close the lid with a semi-circular slit first. 下次要打開內蓋時, you can easily use the gap to open the lid.

If the pillow case is difficult to assemble, it is most likely the result of improper or poor quality materials. 也, if the structure of the pillow case is not well made, it can be difficult to assemble because it is not coordinated.

When the material of the pillow case is thicker, assembly can be even more difficult. There is a solution though, and that is to add a soft crease when making the pillow box. It will make the box easier to fold. Regardless of the type of plastic box, adding a soft crease process can save a lot of assembly time.

麻麻, 箱體粘接由自動塗膠機完成, 所以膠水溢出問題很少發生. 如果您不幸購買了一批膠水溢出的盒子, 你會發現使用自來水唔會清潔盒子上嘅膠水. 膠水無法透過清潔和擦除去除, 一旦枕頭盒溢出膠水, 它只能被廢棄. 因此,您需要選擇具有更好嘅質量控制嘅供應商.


2 包裝專家在線
